Here I come Bar Harbor
I started my ride this year in Red Bank NJ at the home of Erika's and Jeff's on Saturday the 10th. I had only 65 miles of the 835 miles to Bar Harbor Main, but it ended up being 95 miles because of washed out bridges and my campground for the first night got washed out the night before. I got help that first day by a passer by who set me up with this camp ground but it was around 20 miles past where I was to camp for the night. Of the 11 days of the trip this was the day I got rained on and just wanted to get in my tent but the owner of the camp wanted to talk. Just an old building in this little town by the camp ground. I had help from a local bike rider here because I was to go left and under this cool bridge, but he told me that because of the floods the road was covered in mud and wouldn't be a fun ride so he gave me a new route to go on, and I,m thankful for GPS on my bike. This is a 9 mile rail to trail bake path very cool. ...